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About Shared Journeys

Shared Journeys is a Charter School serving pregnant and parenting teens. It is located in West Allis and serves students enrolled in the West Allis/West Milwaukee School District. 
Our program has been created to address the Wisconsin Department of Instruction Criteria for School-Age Parents:
  • Increased graduation rates
  • Increased enrollment in post-secondary education
  • Decreased repeat pregnancies before age 20
  • Stronger knowledge of effective parenting practices
  • Access to family planning, mental health, health care, child care services and transportation
  • Positive parenting skills
  • Young father involvement in school and training
At Shared Journeys, educational programming includes Prenatal Coursework, Child Development I and II, and career development classes. To support general academics, students also receive Chromebooks and access to Edgenuity and other online platforms. 
Students may attend Shared Journeys full- time or part-time while they remain attending classes in their high school. We provide support that best meets the unique needs of each individual student as they adapt to parenting.
Our goal is to:
  • Prepare students to parent their own children with confidence and positivity. 
  • Ensure students graduate with a post-secondary plan that helps them achieve their career goals.